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Each ship is built in stages.
1. Choose the ship type/hull. In each class, each race will have a few different options each with it's own advantages and disadvantages:
Because of their massive size and weight, the Carriers and Capital Ships can only be built in space which, means renting a hangar on a space station. They can have fighters bays (need to be built), but the fighters need pilots. Fighters are build separately on the ships by consuming resources, and each pilot can customize his/her own fighter. Because of the large number of crew required for the last 2, they will be rare, but when they do appear they turn the tide in any battle, so watch out!
NOTE: A ships crew does not have to be permanent. If the crew built the ship with combined resources when the group disbands the ship will be broken apart and each person gets back 90% of the resource he/she invested. Alternatively one or more person can choose to buy the others out of the ship when disbanding the crew and keep the ship intact. If the ship was built by a single person then that person retains control of the ship when disbanding the crew.
To assist in ground combat, Capital Ships can be equipped with Mech Bays. Once built the Mechs can be dropped on planets in certain situations to give the team a better chance of success.
2. Build the interior. The Commander will be free to put each module wherever he/se wants, but the ships performance will depend on the strategic placement of the modules and the placement of the items inside each module. For example: if the engines are in the back of the ship, but the power source is all the way in the front, the ship will not reach maximum speed as the engines are not getting enough power fast enough. Each major module will be upgrade-able provided the necessary research is done.
3. Once every necessary module has been placed, the Commander will be free to decide the position of the shield emitters. The number and strength of the emitters will be determined by available power.
4. After each step has been completed all that remains is to install the AI, give it a name and launch the ship.
Happy Flying!
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